We are pleased to announce a special call for CoPE applications, addressing the specific needs of migrant communities in the European and Central Asian region. This call supports the translation of materials about prevention & treatment of HIV/AIDS & co-infections into one or several language(s) of the migrant population in the applicant’s country. Please find below detailed information on how to apply for this grant. The submission deadline is Tuesday 30 May 2017 (23:59 CET).
What is CoPE?
The CoPE project is a funding mechanism that enables the production and translation of patient education materials, brochures and other resources related to HIV/AIDS & co-infections in multiple languages. More information about CoPE can be accessed here: http://www.eatgtrainingacademy.com/cope.
Who can apply and receive a grant?
Any community-based organisation in the European and Central Asian region dealing with prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and co-infections can submit an application to CoPE. The selection is based on the soundness of the proposed project and available funding.
What type of publications are supported?
This particular CoPE call supports publications which:
Promote necessary, objective, reliable and up-to-date knowledge and skills about HIV/AIDS and co-infections among migrants, migrant organisations and healthcare providers working with this group;
Raise awareness and appreciation of facts and issues related to prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and co-infections among PLWH in migrant communities;
Offer objective, scientifically-accurate, high-quality, patient-focused and user-friendly overview and summary of relevant health and treatment information on specific and generic HIV-related topics and issues;
Engage, support and empower local HIV-positive community for the preparation and development of necessary and relevant treatment materials.
The final format of the resource may be a printed brochure, booklet, handout etc. or an online document/website.
Specific focus for this call
This call is specifically focused on the specific needs of migrant communities. Applications not addressing this and/or not suggesting a translation in a migrant community language will not be considered during the selection process.
Application procedure
Please fill in and submit an application form online via this link: https://www.eatgtrainingacademy.com/application-form. Please fill in all the sections of the application form in English. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Submission Deadline
The deadline for submission is Tuesday 30 May 2017 (23:59 CET)
Notification of selection outcome
The outcome of your application will be announced within three weeks after the submission deadline.
Before applying
● Map the existing resources in the most common languages of migrant communities in your country.An archive of the materials previously funded by CoPE is available here. Also the i-base (http://i-base.info/) and NAM websites (http://www.aidsmap.com/) are good resources for existing documentation in different languages.
Define the document that you would like to translate
Ask for authorization from the original author for the use of the material. Specify the eventual changes you would like to make to the original (adapting it to the local context).
Make a detailed cost estimate of the cost of production of the publication, including translating, proofreading, design & layout, printing and dissemination. The estimate should be based on actual quotes from different service providers.
Please note that currently the maximum amount that can be awarded for a CoPE grant is 2,800 EUR. Applications requesting lower amounts will be considered favourably in the selection process.
Make a realistic timeline for the production process. Please note that, if accepted, the project should be finalized within 3 months from the signing of the grant agreement. The final grant amount may be decreased in case of delay caused by the grantee. Therefore, make sure you and your collaborators are ready to start working instantaneously if your application is approved.
Draft a dissemination plan. The publication should be widely promoted (locally, regionally and nationally) via different channels.
If you have any questions regarding the CoPE project or the application form please contact Maria Dutarte (EATG Project Manager) at projects@eatg.org.
Sponsorship statement:
CoPE has been independently developed by EATG, and was made possible through sponsorship from Merck & Co. EATG acknowledges that the sponsor has not had any control or input into the structure or content of this project.