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STEP-UP Training Modules 2018-2019
From analysing HIV prevention strategies, to learning more about engaging with public health organisations, each of the modules has been designed to equip people with the knowledge and skills needed to advocate for the best HIV practices in their country.

Module 1
Prevention and testing - Профилактика и тестирование

Module 2
Advocacy for access to treatment - Адвокация за обеспечение доступа к лечению

Module 3
Treatment, R&D and long term management of health - Лечение, исследования и разработки и долгосрочная организация охраны здоровья

Module 4
National strategy and advocacy instruments - Инструменты национальной стратегии и адвокации

Module 5
Looking ahead – how to end AIDS by 2030 - Планы на будущее: как покончить со СПИДом к 2030 г.
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