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Fact Sheets about HIV and co-infections in Eastern European & Central Asian languages

We would like to introduce you to a useful site containing Fact Sheets about HIV and co-infections in Eastern European & Central Asian languages: (or The goal of this website is to provide easily accessible, in-language resources for the region’s healthcare professionals, patient groups and people living with HIV. It has been developed in collaboration with NAM, ITPCru, ECUO, AAE and the EATG.

What is already available?

Fact Sheets currently available on the website are listed below:

No Fact Sheet English Title Russian Georgian Armenian Kazakh Ukrainian

1 HIV and AIDS - the basics X X X X X

2 Living with HIV X X X X X

3 HIV treatment X X X X X

4 Adherence X X X X X

5 Treatment side-effects X X X X X

6 HIV and sex X X X X X

7 Telling other people that you have HIV X X X X X

8 Treatment for hepatitis and tuberculosis X X X X X

9 Healthy living X X X X X

10 Emotional well-being and mental health X X X X X

11 Families and children X X X X X

12 HIV and human rights X X X X X

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